Heroes reach the Master's Inner Lair, where he waits with Alrethus and his greatest champions. The Master is destroyed by Sir Casimir, at the cost of his own life. Heroes flee as his lair collapses. Bravery is slain, but his body later recovered and raised. Alrethus believed to have escaped.
With the Master destroyed, his Juggernauts go mad and his armies are defeated and scattered.
The rest of the Alphatian Navy goes home.
Thyatis temporarily occupies south-east Alasiya, but soon cedes it to Karameikos.
Grand Duke Stefan (F16) becomes King of Karameikos-Alasiya.
William becomes the Duke-Sultan of Alasiya. His wise teachings on the Dream of the Desert Garden are widely admired, and he is soon regarded as a prophet by the Preceptor faction. The Kin Faction are blamed for the Master (who claimed blood kinship with Al-Kalim) and his secret Thanatic cult, and rigorously persecuted by the Preceptors. William rebuilds the Sultan's Palace more glorious than ever.
Roseanna has an audience with Emperor Thincol, presents him with the Vorpal Sword, and becomes acknowledged heir to the Duchy of Kerandas.
Cael marries Solga the Valkyrie, William's cousin, and opens a successful pub in Castellan. He charges people to sit on the Master's white silk cushion.
Princess Hope Karameikos is a favourite of Alphatia's Empress Eriadna the Wise at the Imperial Court of Sundsvall. She seems to be cultivating the young lady for future greatness.
Back in Karameikos, M11 1021 the town of Luln was sacked by a horde of well-organised orcs led by a powerful orc wizard. Sascia of Luln survived the slaughter and claims the orc wizard was really Bargle in disguise.
And now the years of peace begin...
(3 years to spring 1025 AC)
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Saturday, 7 January 2017
Mass Battle Rules - Adapted from 'Dragon Pass' board game
Each Unit of 100 warriors has a Combat Rating (CR) and Move (MV). Move is calculated in 15 mile hexes per week, 8 mile hexes per 3 days, or 24 mile hexes per 10 days.
Units combine to form a Battlegroup. Maximum force ratio for determining attacks is 8:1 (8 attacking units per 1 defender). In larger battles 3 Battlegroups can fight on Centre, Left Flank, and Right Flank, with additional forces held in Reserve Battlegroups.
Add up CRs in Battlegroup then roll d6 to determine enemy casualties as a ratio of attacking CR:
d6 Result
1: 1/6
2: 1/4
3: 1/3
4: 1/2
5: 3/4
6: 1/1
Casualties (lowest CRs first, select randomly amongst equal CRs) are removed (routed) - defeated units normally reform at base at half CR strength (rounding down) at least 1 week later. 2 defeated units can reform into 1 full unit. If all enemies in a Battlegroup are routed, the attacker Battlegroup may advance into their position to engage reserve battlegroups, excess damage is then immediately applied to any reserve units.
Each side must choose a Tactical Stance:
Attack - no benefit from terrain modifiers. Attacks first (or simultaneous if the other side also Attacks).
Defend - benefits from terrain defensive modifiers. Attacks last (or no battle if other side also Defends), doubling the CR of surviving units for the purpose of determining enemy losses.
Unit Stats
Peasant Levy Infantry CR 2 MV 3
Regular Infantry CR 3 MV 3
Heavy Foot CR 4 MV 3
Elite Pike Infantry CR 5 MV 3
Hobilars CR 2 MV 5
Light Cavalry CR 3 MV 5
Heavy Cavalry CR 4 MV 5
Knightly Cavalry CR 5 MV 5
Karameikos Unit Stats
Order of the Griffon Heavy Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Ducal Guard CR 5 MV 3
Elvenguard CR 7 MV 5
Black Eagle Guard CR 6 MV 5
Traldar Light Infantry CR 3 MV 4
Alphatian Navy Skyship CR 10 (immune to ground troops & level 1-4 spells) MV 40 (no terrain modifiers)
Heldannic Warbird CR 5 (immune to ground troops) MV 40 (no terrain modifiers)
Monster Unit Stats
Goblin Wolfriders CR 4 MV 5
Goblin Infantry CR 2 MV 3
Orc Infantry CR 3 MV 3
Hobgoblin Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Dwarf Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Gnolls CR 5 MV 3
Bugbears CR 6 MV 4
Ogres CR 7 MV 4
Trolls CR 9 MV 4, CR x 1.5 (14) for taking casualties
Hill Giants CR 10 MV 4
Stone Giants CR 12 MV 5
Frost Giants CR 13 MV 5
Fire Giants CR 14 MV 5
Combat Example: An army of 600 heavy foot CR 4x6=24 attacks an Army of 300 Regular Infantry plus 100 Knightly Cavalry, CR 3x3=9 + 5 = 14, on open ground. The defending commander opts to Defend. The attacking commander rolls first d6 and gets a 5: 3/4 of 24 = 18 enemy CR destroyed. The defenders are overrun and wiped out before they can prepare a defence.
Terrain Modifiers
Open Ground - 1 MV to enter.
Forest/Jungle - 2 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Marsh/Swanp - 2 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Hill - 1 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Hill/Forest - 2 MV to enter. Doubles CR when selecting casualties.
Mountain - 3 MV to enter pass, otherwise impassable. Doubles CR when selecting casualties
River - Costs 1 MV to cross river. Halves CR of unit attacking across river.
Ford - as open ground.
Fortress/Town - 1 MV to enter. Doubles CR when selecting casualties. Fortification. Maximum 10 units may be inside a town. Maximum 3 units may be inside a fortress.
Stockade/Village/Temple - 1 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties. Fortification. Maximum 3 units may be inside a stockade or village. Maximum 2 units may be inside a temple.
Ridge - 1 MV to cross upslope. Halves CR of units attacking upslope.
Road - costs 0.5 MV to move along road.
Track - costs 1 MV to move along track. For each 2 hexes (30 miles) travelled along track the next hex can be entered at no cost.
Hero Modifier: A unit accompanied by a Hero (5e level 11-16, Classic Level 15-25) gains +1 to CR. A unit accompanied by a Legendary Hero (5e level 17-20, Classic Level 26-36) gains +2 to CR. One Hero or Legendary Hero may accompany & give bonus to any one unit. Thieves/Rogues do not count as Heroes for this purpose (but may be used for spying, assassination etc).
Hero Parties: Up to 10 Heroes may form an independent unit. Calculate CR as follows, rounding all fractions down.
Per Lesser Hero (5e level 5-10, Classic Level 7-14): 0.25
Per Hero: +0.5 CR
Per Legendary Hero: +1 CR
Hero Party Example: A party of 4 Legendary Heroes (1x4=4) and 6 Heroes (0.5x6=3) has a total CR of 7, making it stronger than 200 regular infantry (CR 6) or 100 veteran cavalry (CR 5).
Hero Survival
Heroes in a defeated unit roll d6 to see if they survive. Otherwise they are killed/captured.
Lesser Hero: Roll 4+ accompanying Unit, 5+ in Hero Party
Hero: Roll 3+ accompanying Unit, 4+ in Hero Party
Legendary Hero: Roll 2+ accompanying Unit, 3+ in Hero Party
PC Heroes who fail their Survival role are either captured or left for dead on the battlefield, normally with a permanent injury or other loss (exception - certain undead enemies will always kill Heroes).
Dragons as Heroes (Classic Rules)
HD 1-7: Lesser Hero
HD 8-14: Hero
HD 15+: Legendary Hero
Dragons as Heroes (5e Rules)
Young: Lesser Hero
Adult: Hero
Ancient: Legendary Hero
Dragons double their CR for attack purposes only. Eg a Legendary Hero Dragon accompanying a unit gives +4 CR to a unit attack, or adds +2 CR to a Hero Party's attack.
Add up CRs in Battlegroup then roll d6 to determine enemy casualties as a ratio of attacking CR:
d6 Result
1: 1/6
2: 1/4
3: 1/3
4: 1/2
5: 3/4
6: 1/1
Casualties (lowest CRs first, select randomly amongst equal CRs) are removed (routed) - defeated units normally reform at base at half CR strength (rounding down) at least 1 week later. 2 defeated units can reform into 1 full unit. If all enemies in a Battlegroup are routed, the attacker Battlegroup may advance into their position to engage reserve battlegroups, excess damage is then immediately applied to any reserve units.
Each side must choose a Tactical Stance:
Attack - no benefit from terrain modifiers. Attacks first (or simultaneous if the other side also Attacks).
Defend - benefits from terrain defensive modifiers. Attacks last (or no battle if other side also Defends), doubling the CR of surviving units for the purpose of determining enemy losses.
Unit Stats
Peasant Levy Infantry CR 2 MV 3
Regular Infantry CR 3 MV 3
Heavy Foot CR 4 MV 3
Elite Pike Infantry CR 5 MV 3
Hobilars CR 2 MV 5
Light Cavalry CR 3 MV 5
Heavy Cavalry CR 4 MV 5
Knightly Cavalry CR 5 MV 5
Karameikos Unit Stats
Order of the Griffon Heavy Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Ducal Guard CR 5 MV 3
Elvenguard CR 7 MV 5
Black Eagle Guard CR 6 MV 5
Traldar Light Infantry CR 3 MV 4
Alphatian Navy Skyship CR 10 (immune to ground troops & level 1-4 spells) MV 40 (no terrain modifiers)
Heldannic Warbird CR 5 (immune to ground troops) MV 40 (no terrain modifiers)
Monster Unit Stats
Goblin Wolfriders CR 4 MV 5
Goblin Infantry CR 2 MV 3
Orc Infantry CR 3 MV 3
Hobgoblin Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Dwarf Infantry CR 4 MV 3
Gnolls CR 5 MV 3
Bugbears CR 6 MV 4
Ogres CR 7 MV 4
Trolls CR 9 MV 4, CR x 1.5 (14) for taking casualties
Hill Giants CR 10 MV 4
Stone Giants CR 12 MV 5
Frost Giants CR 13 MV 5
Fire Giants CR 14 MV 5
Combat Example: An army of 600 heavy foot CR 4x6=24 attacks an Army of 300 Regular Infantry plus 100 Knightly Cavalry, CR 3x3=9 + 5 = 14, on open ground. The defending commander opts to Defend. The attacking commander rolls first d6 and gets a 5: 3/4 of 24 = 18 enemy CR destroyed. The defenders are overrun and wiped out before they can prepare a defence.
Terrain Modifiers
Open Ground - 1 MV to enter.
Forest/Jungle - 2 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Marsh/Swanp - 2 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Hill - 1 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties.
Hill/Forest - 2 MV to enter. Doubles CR when selecting casualties.
Mountain - 3 MV to enter pass, otherwise impassable. Doubles CR when selecting casualties
River - Costs 1 MV to cross river. Halves CR of unit attacking across river.
Ford - as open ground.
Fortress/Town - 1 MV to enter. Doubles CR when selecting casualties. Fortification. Maximum 10 units may be inside a town. Maximum 3 units may be inside a fortress.
Stockade/Village/Temple - 1 MV to enter. Increases CR by 1/2 when selecting casualties. Fortification. Maximum 3 units may be inside a stockade or village. Maximum 2 units may be inside a temple.
Ridge - 1 MV to cross upslope. Halves CR of units attacking upslope.
Road - costs 0.5 MV to move along road.
Track - costs 1 MV to move along track. For each 2 hexes (30 miles) travelled along track the next hex can be entered at no cost.
Hero Modifier: A unit accompanied by a Hero (5e level 11-16, Classic Level 15-25) gains +1 to CR. A unit accompanied by a Legendary Hero (5e level 17-20, Classic Level 26-36) gains +2 to CR. One Hero or Legendary Hero may accompany & give bonus to any one unit. Thieves/Rogues do not count as Heroes for this purpose (but may be used for spying, assassination etc).
Hero Parties: Up to 10 Heroes may form an independent unit. Calculate CR as follows, rounding all fractions down.
Per Lesser Hero (5e level 5-10, Classic Level 7-14): 0.25
Per Hero: +0.5 CR
Per Legendary Hero: +1 CR
Hero Party Example: A party of 4 Legendary Heroes (1x4=4) and 6 Heroes (0.5x6=3) has a total CR of 7, making it stronger than 200 regular infantry (CR 6) or 100 veteran cavalry (CR 5).
Hero Survival
Heroes in a defeated unit roll d6 to see if they survive. Otherwise they are killed/captured.
Lesser Hero: Roll 4+ accompanying Unit, 5+ in Hero Party
Hero: Roll 3+ accompanying Unit, 4+ in Hero Party
Legendary Hero: Roll 2+ accompanying Unit, 3+ in Hero Party
PC Heroes who fail their Survival role are either captured or left for dead on the battlefield, normally with a permanent injury or other loss (exception - certain undead enemies will always kill Heroes).
Dragons as Heroes (Classic Rules)
HD 1-7: Lesser Hero
HD 8-14: Hero
HD 15+: Legendary Hero
Dragons as Heroes (5e Rules)
Young: Lesser Hero
Adult: Hero
Ancient: Legendary Hero
Dragons double their CR for attack purposes only. Eg a Legendary Hero Dragon accompanying a unit gives +4 CR to a unit attack, or adds +2 CR to a Hero Party's attack.
Friday, 6 January 2017
26/12/1021 Third attack on Master's Fortress
Party retreat on airship and stay the night with Count William's family at Castellan 40 miles north, returning next day with Cael's new girlfriend, a cousin of William, & her dragon. Fierce fighting in the upper two levels leaves dead: 25 Followers F7, 6 Initiates C9, 4 High Priests C12. William uses Disintegrate to destroy a plug that would have sealed the tube down to the third level, believed to be the Master's final refuge.
Castellan pop 15000 (town 6000); 11 dragonriders + William.
Solga F14 born 998 is niece of Jarl Solvi (b. 953 - he's 68) and sister to Solur the Grim (also F14, b. 996). Her father Ivar Lockhand fell in battle when she was 2 years old, her mother 10 years later.
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Solga Dragontongue the Valkyrie of Castellan, shortly after depilating. |
Solga F14 born 998 is niece of Jarl Solvi (b. 953 - he's 68) and sister to Solur the Grim (also F14, b. 996). Her father Ivar Lockhand fell in battle when she was 2 years old, her mother 10 years later.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
25/12/1021 Second attack on the Master's Fortress
M11-12 1021
Frosto raised by Scroll. Invasion of Alasiya.
Alphatian intervention with Hope & Empress Eriadna, 20 ships.
Capture of Ylaruam city, 4 Alphatian ships destroyed along with the Master's 10 ships, but attack on the Master fails. Master believed fled to hidden lair. Eriadna & 10 ships return to Alphatia, leaving 6 under Captain Argilis to complete the defeat of the Master's forces.
Second attack on Master's lair. The first having been aborted by Blackrazor breaking free of his sword. This time the PCs approach his mountain lair on an Alphatian airship.
Frosto raised by Scroll. Invasion of Alasiya.
Alphatian intervention with Hope & Empress Eriadna, 20 ships.
Capture of Ylaruam city, 4 Alphatian ships destroyed along with the Master's 10 ships, but attack on the Master fails. Master believed fled to hidden lair. Eriadna & 10 ships return to Alphatia, leaving 6 under Captain Argilis to complete the defeat of the Master's forces.
Second attack on Master's lair. The first having been aborted by Blackrazor breaking free of his sword. This time the PCs approach his mountain lair on an Alphatian airship.
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